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Student Scholarships

Student Scholarships

2020 Scholarship Recipients

Emily S.

Name: Emily S.

Hometown: Eagan

Intended major: Chemistry. Maybe also a second major in Math.

What is your favorite part about attending UW?

I have not been on campus since my tour in 2019 (that feels so long ago!), but I remember enjoying the nature part of campus especially.

What clubs/organizations have you joined?

 I'm hoping to start joining some virtual clubs! I'm looking into Badger Volunteers and the Honors Student Organization, and maybe even the Japanese Karate Club (which is something completely out of my realm, but it sounds fun and I could use the exercise after sitting at my desk all day! Plus also a cool way to expand my knowledge of the world, and learn some self-defense)

Best part of school in a pandemic:

[Living at home] I have to say, I enjoy the both free and yummy food. It's nice sleeping in a non-twin bed, and I've been playing a lot of board games with my parents, which has been a lot of fun (we are all a bit competitive). I am ready to move onto campus next year, though. I think what I will miss most about virtual school is probably being able to just roll out of bed and attend class in my pjs- definitely the best part of all this.

Holly B.

Name: Holly B.

Hometown: Lakeville

Intended Major: Spanish & Psychology

What is your favorite part about attending UW?

My favorite part of attending UW-Madison so far has been my work in the UW Dining Halls; Also, I have

  • been able to meet many new and unique people while broadening my knowledge of the school and academics. 
  • delved into Classics, and have discovered a deeper appreciation for the effect the Ancient Mediterranean has on the modern world; exploring sexism and the importance of Greek tragedy,
  • reflected on my own experiences with grief, illness, and loss before and during the Covid-19 pandemic. Pursuing my interest in Spanish studies and language, I have taken initiative to work towards a Spanish double major alongside Psychology. This semester, I plan on elaborating on my Psychology degree by studying both Abnormal and Statistical Psychology.
  • rounded out my first semester at UW-Madison with an all-A’s 4.0 GPA alongside many new friends and connections.

What clubs/organizations have you joined?

I plan to continue my involvement with the Swim Club UW, and hope that the pandemic does not further limit my planned future extra-curricular involvement in APO-Beta Theta and Badger Volunteers during this upcoming semester. 

 What has been the best part of school in a pandemic?

During the pandemic, the usage of online class meetings has allowed professors, speakers, and academic writers to attend class who would have otherwise been unable to. 

Lily W.

Name: Lily W.

Hometown: Eagan

Intended major: Marketing

 What is your favorite part about attending UW?

The campus- I love being in the city but it also has parts that have a campus feel.

 What clubs/organizations have you joined?

None at the moment but I am planning on joining Women In Business!

What has been the best part of school in a pandemic?

Getting really close with my roommate because we spend so much time in our dorm!